VMC Punctual double flow with Schuco and Alpac systems for intelligent air exchange

It is now a fact that enclosed spaces are up to five times more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors, due to certain components in building materials and furnishings, such as VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), the moisture that is always present in the kitchen and bathroom, and also some unwise behavior, such as not airing frequently. Combined with this data, also that relating to the time spent indoors that, according to the WHO Europe Report, corresponds on average to 90% of the time of each.

How to improve the situation and, therefore, actively combat indoor pollution? Specific systems come to the rescue, such as windows with VMC (controlled mechanical ventilation) systems with heat recovery, capable of restoring indoor air quality in a continuous and controlled manner, filtering it constantly.

Finestre con sistemi di VMC integrata (ventilazione meccanica controllata) con recupero di calore

With the VMC punctual double flow system, rooms are ventilated as required, comfortably and energy efficiently. The Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system with heat recovery can be integrated in the windows or decentralized, disappearing inside the masonry. On the market there are different solutions, but not all of them have the same characteristics and performance, so it is necessary to be very careful in choosing the ideal solution.

Schüco Controlled Mechanical Ventilation systems with heat recovery

The most typical problem with indoor ventilation is seasonality. When it's winter, no one wants to open their windows. For this problem, Schüco offers systems such as VentoThermTwist and VentoFrame Asonic, which allow you to change the air in a controlled way without having to open windows.

Schüco systems are directly integrated into the fixed Schuco window frame and are able to detect a difference in pressure; when the internal pressure is higher than the external pressure due to humidity, the system is automatically activated. This automatically restores optimal indoor climate conditions, ensuring constant, draught-free ventilation.

These controlled mechanical ventilation devices with heat recovery are extremely quiet, adapting even to the sleeping area of the house. In addition, the ability to keep windows closed significantly decreases safety risks, while also providing adequate sound insulation.

VMC puntuale doppio flusso con il sistema schuco VentoTherm Twist per un ricambio d'aria senza dispersione di calore

VentoTherm Twist

VentoTherm Twist is an active decentralized ventilation system integrated into the window, providing air intake and extraction, and up to 80% heat recovery.

With this system, the stale air coming from inside the building passes through a recovery device (dual-flow punctual VMC) that, before transferring it outside, absorbs the heat. At the same time, the cold air coming from outside the building, passing through the same device, is filtered (fine dust, pollen, etc..) and pre-heated with the heat recovered from the expelled indoor air. The system detects the CO2 values, uses them to determine the need for fresh air and adjusts the ventilation level accordingly. All this is done completely automatically.

The minimal space required and the possibility of integration into the window profile make Schüco VentoTherm an extremely versatile and particularly attractive solution for renovation projects.

VMC puntuale doppio flusso con il sistema schuco Vento Air per un ricambio d'aria senza dispersione di calore

Vento Air

Schuco Vento Air is the ventilation system that is applied to insulating aluminum windows. It is a device that is mounted either inside the fixed frame rebate or practically hidden in the seal, without being blocked by screws. Its operation is mechanical, as it is activated by the difference in air pressure between the outside and the inside of the room. The device is equipped with a fin (a bit like that of air conditioners) that automatically adjusts in case of strong wind to avoid current.

VMC puntuale doppio flusso con il sistema schuco VentoFrame Asonic per un ricambio d'aria senza dispersione di calore

VentoFrame Asonic

VentoFrame Asonic is a window-integrated ventilation system with dual-flow point VMC that also provides high sound insulation. Schüco designed it for living and working environments with high sound insulation requirements. The window-mounted ventilator is fitted with sound-absorbing material. Noise stays outside and only fresh air enters, without the need to use electricity.

Schuco TipTronic SimplySmart è la soluzione ideale per integrare la ventilazione meccanica controllata con recupero di calore ad una finestra intelligente con tecnologia di automazione

Schüco TipTronic SimplySmart

In combination with the controlled mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery, the Schüco TipTronic concealed mechatronic device can be combined into a single solution. The result is an integrated, advanced and intelligent system that predicts environmental scenarios based on perceived climatic variations, the progressive transition from day to night and vice versa, and the presence or absence of people in the rooms. In this way, the "intelligent window" regulates the natural ventilation cycles and brings into the rooms pleasant temperatures even during the summer with the "night cooling" ventilation function, thanks to which it is possible to let fresh external air into the internal rooms, cooling them without additional energy costs.

The Schüco TipTronic SimplySmart automation technology allows the movement of the windows and doors with a click on the smartphone, dedicated sensors regulate the opening and closing according to the healthiness of the air, the management can also be done through home automation or using voice assistants.

Alpac VMC punctual double flow: window boxes without masonry work

The deductions envisaged for energy efficiency interventions have opened the door to a new scenario for the building industry, increasingly oriented towards requalification. From insulated shutter boxes to VMC and dehumidification systems, Alpac presents a new range to meet the needs of this new market.

Alpac's new range includes several innovative technologies, including the MyBox insulated shutter box with dual-flow punctual VMC. Thanks to its high performance in terms of insulation, this innovative product is able to improve the energy efficiency of the home by solving the problems linked to the shutter box compartment, one of the most critical points of the building envelope and responsible for over 25% of the heat dispersion of the window opening.

Alpac Cassonetti MyBox per un ricambio d'aria senza dispersione di calore
Alpac Cassonetti MyBox per un ricambio d'aria senza dispersione di calore

MyBox Alpac boxes

If you want to install a Mechanical Ventilation system without making holes in the facade, Alpac MyBox boxes with integrated VMC are the ideal solution.

Mybox is the shutter box for the redevelopment of the shutter compartment, an innovative box with double functionality: on the one hand high thermal insulation performance, on the other hand a concealed integrated Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system. Designed to measure, MyBox with VMC can be installed in a simple way: the assembly system patented by the company does not provide for holes in the outer walls, making it an ideal solution even in historical or condominium contexts. The ventilation, inserted inside the box, is integrated with the renovation of the window system (or just the replacement of the box), and does not require masonry work, ducts or cumbersome centralized systems. The aesthetic aspect is obviously important, especially if we are renovating the house. MyBox with VMC is available in rounded and squared version and is completely customizable because it is already prepared to be painted.

Thanks to its high performance in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation, MyBox with dual-flow punctual VMC allows the elimination of thermal bridges, drafts and condensation, preventing the formation of mold and making domestic spaces healthier and more comfortable. The certified thermal transmittance (with U values=0.583 W/m2K) also increases the efficiency of the home, helping to improve its energy classification. But that's not all: Alpac MyBox boxes are equipped with a double F7/G4 inlet filter that allows correct ventilation of the internal rooms, purifying the air from pollen, bacteria and pollutants. Constant ventilation, however, does not change indoor climatic conditions: the special enthalpy exchanger with double counter-current flow, in fact, makes it possible to recover up to 90% of the heat of the outgoing air.

tax deductions on aluminum windows wood aluser

Detrazioni Fiscali 2024 Ventilazione Controllata

Controlled mechanical ventilation can also benefit from the 50% tax deduction if it is part of an energy requalification project. Find out more about the 50% tax deduction for fixtures.

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